Monday, June 17, 2013

June Birchbox!

If you've spent any amount of time with me, I've probably brought up my love of Birchbox at one point or another.  Even if it ends up being a bad box, I still get so much weird joy out of tracking the package.  When I get the email saying that my box has shipped, I check it every day to see where it is.
Now that we live on the West Coast, it takes a lot longer to get it and sometimes I cheat and look online to see what I'm getting.  But who doesn't love getting mail!?
June's box was pretty great!  This month, they shipped a nail polish color to everyone and I was really hoping I would get the white color but I got a mint green color.  I'm still excited to try it.  I'm also excited about the Origins charcoal mask I got.  
Carson thinks I'm absolutely crazy for how much I love Birchbox but it's only $10 a month and if I can eventually gain enough points to "buy" full sized products for free--that's a great deal!

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