Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Baby Noble: 32 Weeks!

How far along? 32 Weeks!  
Baby Size: She's the size of a squash!
Total weight gain/loss: I didn't feel like weighing myself this week.
Maternity clothes? No new clothes, but I did bite the bullet and I bought a body pillow and a belly support band because apparently there's a chance I have Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction which basically means my pelvis is separating and making my life a living hell.  I'm willing to buy anything to help make me more comfortable.  I still have 8 weeks to go so I'm hoping I'll be able to get my money's worth out of both things.
Stretch marks? Still good but I'm getting larger and larger by the day so hopefully this doesn't change soon!
Sleep: With the new pelvic issues, rolling over is nearly impossible.  Sleeping with the body pillow keeps me in one spot better through the night.  I've been sleeping pretty good but I've been exhausted during the middle of the day.  I'm also having a hard time focusing during the day.  I'm ready to be done with work for a while.
Best moment this week: Carson assembled the crib while I was away on Saturday and it looks so good! 
Pregnancy brain moment of the week:  I definitely pulled into AM/PM and paid for my pump to start before I realized that I had pulled in the wrong direction.  To be fair, this is something I probably would do pregnant or not but still my silly moment of the week.
Have you told family and friends: Yep!
Miss Anything? Working out hard and sitting in the sauna afterwards.  And margaritas.  I actually suggested on Sunday that we name her 'Rita' and Carson totally called me out for just having margaritas on my mind.
Movement: She still loves lunch time.  I also love watching her move with the TV on in the background.  For some reason, her movements seem so much more dramatic in dim lighting.
Cravings: In N Out.  This has yet to be fulfilled....
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Labor Signs: None!
Belly Button in or out? My support band pushes my belly up enough that my belly button is actually totally in while I wear it.  Less fun to tease Carson with...but the band is SUCH a relief.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I was REALLY moody after my doctor said that my pelvis was moving apart and that there was nothing I can do about it.
Looking forward to: We're headed to Texas in a couple of days for Carson's sister's wedding!  Keep your fingers crossed that the baby doesn't want to be a true Texan and stays put.

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