Saturday, August 24, 2013

6 Weeks

It blows my mind how much Allison changes.  At first, I didn't notice it much, which seems crazy since all she's been doing is changing every day.  But yesterday, on August 23rd, Allison started smiling at everything!

At 6 weeks old, Allison:
-has a wicked case of baby acne
-coos and smiles at us when she wakes up from her naps
-sleeps a lot better when we swaddle her (which we haven't done since she was a few days old.  we're either better swaddlers, or she fights her way out of it less now)
-still likes facing out, but looks up at me when we walk around
-is getting longer and darker eyelashes
-started smiling for realsies
-makes the cutest sounds like 'heh' and 'ooh'
-usually sleeps between 8-12 every morning. Other than that, nothing is constant with sleep

After 6 weeks, I:
-had my 6 week checkup and the doctor said my uterus is still big
-have bruises all over my body that my doctor says is from the extra hormones that are still sticking around

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