We had a random 6 week checkup where Abby was 7 lbs 10 oz and Amelia was 6 lbs 8 oz. We won't see the doctor again for another 2 weeks. (I'm not sure why we're on such a silly schedule but I think after this next visit we will be back on track.) We moved Abby up to size 1 diapers this month. Once Amelia finishes out this last pack of newborn diapers, we will move her up as well. Amelia still fits in newborn clothes but, for the most part, we're putting Abby in 0-3 or 3 month clothes now.
We also had to visit the eye doctor to check their eyes and we had an ultrasound to check out their hips. Thankfully everything checked out okay and now we just have regular well checks until they're about 6 months old. We will have to have their hearing checked and their eyes checked again in November/December.
The girls ate on the same 3 hour schedule for MOST of this past month. Typically, one or both of them would wake up an hour early in the evening, so we changed their schedule to 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 7pm, 10pm, 2am, 5am. Carson is able to get an extra hour of sleep now and they have no problem doing a 4 hour stretch after eating twice in 2 hours. They are still eating about 3 ounces at each feeding. We have gotten more efficient with feedings now and can complete the whole process in about 30 minutes. During the day they sleep swaddled in their crib and at night they sleep swaddled in their Rock N Plays. We always have white noise going while they're sleeping, especially during the day when it seems like someone is constantly having their lawn mowed.
I am still pumping and bottle feeding. At this point, I'm not sure if we will attempt to breastfeed and I'm okay with that. There is a certain peace of mind that comes with knowing how much they are getting and being able to control that aspect of their day. I don't think it would be possible to keep them on such a good schedule if I was breastfeeding and the schedule has been a lifesaver. Pumping might get to be more of a struggle as they get older but right now it isn't a big deal. Even when I'm on the go, I can use the manual pump. That's super easy to toss in my purse and I have pumped in the car multiple times now.They've gotten much fussier this past month, which we expected. What we didn't expect was the VOLUME that they would have. I don't ever remember Allie being as loud as Abby can get. I'm really hoping that in the next couple of weeks they will calm down a little bit. When I'm alone during the day, sometimes it gets a little tough trying to give them both the attention that they need. Right now I can pick them up with one hand but I don't know how easy that will be as they get bigger. Both girls love staring at the fan (their fan is black so it stands out very well against the white ceiling) and are terrible at keeping pacifiers in their mouths. Something about our children and pacifiers just don't mix--Allie never took one either.
As for my recovery--I feel a lot better now! There are still times when I move from a laying position to a sitting position that I get a funny feeling over my right hip. I talked to my doctor about it and she just said that even though my incision on the outside is healed, I still have a lot of healing to do on the inside. Since she wasn't concerned, I haven't been worrying too much about it. I have been walking every evening, which has been wonderful, and just a couple of days ago I went for my first run! I lost 30 pounds super fast the first month but I still have 20 pounds hanging around. I've been trying to make some good changes to get rid of those extra pounds. (Like maybe have an apple instead of an entire sleeve of graham crackers...) The wrist pain that I was experiencing at the end of my pregnancy and right after delivery is now gone, thankfully. I am now wearing my engagement and wedding rings but I haven't tried yet to put on my Aggie ring.
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