Wednesday, February 5, 2014

favorite things: nursing mother's wardrobe

When I started hitting the 6th, 7th, and 8th month of pregnancy, I remember staring at the clothes hanging in my closet and thinking it wouldn't be long before they would all be available to wear again. Well, aside from the fact that it took about 2 months for my body to de-puffify after giving birth, I am still pretty limited in what I can wear during the work week and when I'm with Allie. I'm a big fan of dresses and unfortunately they aren't always the most nursing friendly option. Separates are a nursing mother's best friend. As are buttons, tank tops, and dark prints.

If I'm going out in public with Allie, I'm wearing a flowy t-shirt with a tank top underneath. A scarf and a cardigan are just icing on top. I've always hated covering myself and I've never owned an actual nursing cover. If you pull your t-shirt up and your tank top and nursing bra down, your baby pretty much covers any skin that may be exposed.

I dress the same way at work.  My office is always cold so I like dressing in layers to stay warm while I pump.  Nursing bras don't typically offer the same amount of coverage as a normal bra would so I like wearing scarves to work just as an extra precaution.

If I know I'll need to feed Allie at church, I typically wear a dress that buttons up the front in a dark colored pattern to cover any spills that could potentially happen.  Again, I almost always have a scarf with me in case I need to cover up or clean up anything.  (A scarf makes a good burp cloth if you're in a pinch.)

I never expected to have to adjust how I dressed AFTER I gave birth.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't stand in my closet and tug on the necks of every shirt to see how stretchy they were.  I've gotten used to it at this point and it doesn't bother me anymore.  I'm enjoying having more of a "uniform" and it has actually made it easier to get dressed in the mornings.

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