Carson and I spent this past weekend in Vegas and we had a blast. I LOVE Vegas, which really surprises me because it doesn't seem like something I would typically like. Unfortunately, this year I forgot to put the memory card in the camera before I left (pregnancy brain moment of the week) so we only have phone pictures.
We stayed off this strip this year at Sam's Town. The pool was by far the best part. We stayed at the Luxor last year and they had the chairs set up so that you were right next to people on both sides. Sam's Town's pool was nearly empty and had tons of space. We saved a ton of money and the hotel was nice, but I did miss the convenience of being able to walk back to the hotel on the strip. There were no midday naps this year and we didn't get to stay out until 2 or 3 like we did last year.
Saturday morning we woke up and had breakfast and for some reason, I got really sick. Carson headed to his bowling tournament and I stayed in bed for a few hours. I eventually sucked it up and laid by the pool for a few glorious hours.
Carson ended up doing really well in his tournament despite us leaving his bowling bag at the house. (Carson's pregnancy brain moment of the week.) We grabbed a late lunch/early dinner and headed to the strip. We stayed at the Monte Carlo for a little bit and I did work doubling my money at the Roulette table.
Later, we ended up going downtown to Fremont Street. It was packed! We had a really hard time finding a place to park and walking down the street was difficult because of how many people were there. I was shocked. You'd think the strip would be busier. The casinos are all older on Fremont Street but it's awesome walking under the canopy. There were 4 huge stages with different genres of live music. It was different than anything I had ever seen before. We wanted to gamble but none of the casinos had any open spots at the tables.
Sunday we started the day with The Mob Museum. It was REALLY interesting but had WAY too much information to read and had too many videos to watch. We loved the old mob history, but once it got into present day stuff we zoomed through it to the end.
We headed back to Ceasar's Palace where I did some shopping (baby clothes!) and Carson watched a game in the sports area. He also snuck over to the Flamingo and bet $100 on black and won! We both really wanted to see a show while we were in Vegas this time, since we didn't get to last year. They're so stupidly expensive...seriously, why do they need to be so pricey?! Since he doubled his money, we bought tickets to a Cirque Du Soleil show!
We saw Zumanity, which was kind of half burlesque/half contortionist show. There was no real plot but it was still really awesome to see what all those people can do. There was a creepy little person who did nothing but lurk in the background. We were never sure what his role was supposed to be. We had a great time though. It was really funny and if you're with your significant other, I think we would both recommend it! It would definitely be awkward with friends or family though. Lots of boobies.

How was Vegas while 7 months pregnant, you might ask. Well, let me tell you. Vegas is hot in April. Like 100 degrees hot. Last year, we did the whole late breakfast, late lunch, skip dinner plan and it worked great. This year, I needed snacks and 3 square meals, for sure. Being around smokers was infuriating. I would look around to try to pinpoint who it was and would give them a death stare that said "CAN'T YOU SEE I'M PREGNANT." But ultimately...I was the silly pregnant lady hanging out in a casino. By the end of the night my belly hurt, my feet and hands were swollen, and I was a little tired of waddling. Regardless of all that, I still had a fantastic time.
We love Vegas. I'm not sure if we'll attempt to do it again next year with the baby or not. I can't even imagine trying to walk down Las Vegas Boulevard with a stroller. And how do you gamble? We'd have to separate and I don't know how I would feel about that. We might have to hold off on trips like these for the next few years. I'm so glad we've had such great experiences both times we've gone together.
Lessons learned during Vegas Round Two:
- Keep your doors locked while you drive around because drunk people WILL try to get in your car
- Stay on the strip--it's more convenient and worth the extra money
- $10 tables are NOT just double $5 tables and you're not twice as likely to win--they suck and they hate me, apparently
- If you plan on taking a babymoon, definitely go in the second trimester--or do a relaxing vacation if you go in the third
- H&M has maternity clothes
- Show up early to the shows because they start entertaining while people enter